CCMG Chris Conti Memorial Grant
CCMG Chris Conti Memorial Grant

To honor the memory and legacy of our cofounder through acts of love and charity.

In Memory of Chris Conti

The Chris Conti Memorial Grant was established in 2020 in memory of our co-founder, Chris Conti. Chris was known for his generosity and service work to others and his community. His legacy of giving will be carried on through the CCMG; which will be awarded each year on July 30th. The creation of the memorial grant perfectly aligns with our company motto: “See a need, fill a need.”

2024 Qualifications

We are excited to invite the following organizations located in Georgia to apply for the 5th Annual CCMG: 501c3 non-profits, public safety stations, first responder facilities, and public high schools.

Important Dates

Registration Opens: March 15th

Registration Closes: May 31st

Grant Award Announcement: July 30th

How to Apply

Submit the form

Make your video

Record a 3-minute (maximum) video explaining how this grant will benefit and create a healthier community within your organization and in your community. Make sure to include footage of any existing fitness equipment along with the facility details of where the new fitness center would be located. This will give us the best insight into your level of need and who the grant would serve if selected. Feel free to be imaginative and have fun while producing the video!

Share your work

Upload the video to your organization's social media platforms. On Facebook, please tag @ChrisContiMemorialGrant and @InnovativeFitness. You can also tag us on Instagram @Innovativefitn1. If you do not have social media, please upload your video via YouTube and make sure to send the YouTube link to Please use #CCMGApplication, #TheCCMG, and #CCMG2024 in your captions so we can easily find your video!

Meet the deadline

Applications should be submitted between March 15May 31.

The CCMG Experience

2023 CCMG Recipient Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia 

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia, the recipient of the 4th Annual Chris Conti Memorial Grant

We were so excited to celebrate the unveiling of the 4th Annual Chris Conti Memorial Grant (CCMG) on November 9, 2023, at Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia, located in Kennesaw, GA.

Kristina Murfin-Higel, Recreation Therapy Manager at Devereux Georgia, stated that the new fitness center will “impact the lives of everyone on the campus. Whether it’s our youth taking advantage and learning new skills or the staff being able to take a break from the amazing yet difficult work they do here, the entire campus will improve because of the CCMG.” The new fitness space includes a variety of equipment to help each person find a form of working out that makes them feel confident. “You have changed our campus. You leaned into our work and our kids. Not everybody does that” said Gwen Skinner, Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health, Georgia’s Vice President of Operations.

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia was established in Cobb County in 1973 at the invitation of Gov. Jimmy Carter. Since then, they have provided hope and healing for children, adolescents, and young adults living with emotional, behavioral, and cognitive differences. Kids living at Devereux have experienced abuse, extreme poverty, trauma, and violence. Murfin-Higel said that their mission is to “provide resources and services that will allow our youth to not only thrive while they are with us on campus, but they can also thrive and reach their full potential once they leave us.” “You’ve touched lives. You have changed these children’s lives by investing in them,” said Skinner.

This year’s CCMG would not have been possible without the support of our generous vendors; including The Abs Company, True Fitness, and TKO.

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia, the recipient of the 4th Annual Chris Conti Memorial Grant
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia, the recipient of the 4th Annual Chris Conti Memorial Grant Ribbon Cutting Event 2023
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia, the recipient of the 4th Annual Chris Conti Memorial Grant Ribbon Cutting Event 2023
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia, the recipient of the 4th Annual Chris Conti Memorial Grant Ribbon Cutting Event 2023
4th Annual Chris Conti Memorial Grant (CCMG) on November 9, 2023, at Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia, located in Kennesaw, GA.
4th Annual Chris Conti Memorial Grant (CCMG) on November 9, 2023, at Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia, located in Kennesaw, GA.
4th Annual Chris Conti Memorial Grant (CCMG) on November 9, 2023, at Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia, located in Kennesaw, GA.
4th Annual Chris Conti Memorial Grant (CCMG) on November 9, 2023, at Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia, located in Kennesaw, GA.
before pic final

2023 CCMG Press Releases

2022 CCMG Recipient Floyd County Police Department 

2022 CCMG Recipient Floyd County Police Department 

This year’s CCMG was awarded to the Floyd County Police Department which employs over 80 sworn officers and six specialty units. Floyd County covers over 500 miles and is home to 98,000 people. The officers serving Floyd County previously had access to an onsite gym, but it was filled with dilapidated equipment dating from the 1980s. “Everything was bad, the paint, the carpet, the equipment. Nothing was salvageable” said Matt McAllister, COO of Innovative Fitness.

“Thanks to Innovative Fitness and the generosity of the Chris Conti Memorial Grant, we have realized a dream. It’s a great day for the Floyd County Police Department,” said Chief Wallace. The newly designed fitness space features the latest cardio, strength, and functional training equipment, as well as new athletic flooring and other accessories that include a new TV and a custom metal sign which mirrors the officer’s badge. “This is not only going to help our department but also help the community. The better we can prepare ourselves for what’s out there, the better our community benefits” said Sergeant William Wacker.

This year’s CCMG would not have been possible without the support of Innovative Fitness’ vendors; including True Fitness, TKO, The Abs Company, BC Fabrications, Henderson Installations, and Get RX’D.

The Chris Conti Memorial Grant was established in 2020 in memory of our co-founder, Chris Conti. Chris was known for his generosity and service work to others and his community. His legacy of giving will be carried on through the CCMG; which will be awarded each year on July 30th. The creation of the memorial grant perfectly aligns with our company motto: “See a need, fill a need.”

2022 CCMG Press Releases

2021 CCMG Recipient Chatsworth Police & Fire Department 

CCMG Chris Conti Memorial Grant Ribbon Cutting Goshen Valley Ribbon Cutting Goshen Valley Ribbon Cutting Goshen Valley Ribbon Cutting Chatsworth Police and Fire

The fitness center was granted to the City of Chatsworth, with the intention of benefiting the City’s Police and Fire personnel. The police force presently consists of nineteen sworn officers and two administrative staff members while the fire department maintains 14 full-time and 14 part-time employees in a city of 4,300 residents. The newly designed fitness space consists of the latest cardio, strength, and functional training equipment. Some of Innovative Fitness’s manufactures, TRUE Fitness and The Abs Company, contributed to the project.

Patrol First Class Officer Rowe, of the Chatsworth Police Department stated, “We do not have the resources to provide a gym or pay for fitness memberships for our officers and are currently using donated equipment in a former training room. Having a fitness room on-site is the first step in the creation of our officer wellness program.” Chief Charles M. Baxter of Chatsworth Fire Department commented that, “Physical fitness and strength are critical tools for a firefighter. Fitness equipment that will allow our personnel to develop their strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance will have a direct positive impact on our ability to serve the citizens in our community.”

coming soon

2020 Inaugural CCMG Recipient Goshen Valley 

CCMG Chris Conti Memorial Grant Ribbon Cutting Goshen Valley Ribbon Cutting Goshen Valley Ribbon Cutting Goshen Valley Ribbon Cutting Goshen Valley

In celebration of our 20th Anniversary and in memory of our co-founder, we are pleased to announce the 1st Annual Chris Conti Memorial Grant (CCMG). The inaugural recipient of the CCMG is the Goshen Valley Boys Ranch (GVBR) located in Waleska, GA. The GVBR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing peace and purpose to boys in foster care. Get a sneak peek of the newly designed GVBR fitness center that will be completed in October 2020. Innovative Fitness spoke with Stacy Cooper, Executive Director at Goshen Valley Boys Ranch, on how this new fitness center will impact the boys and staff:

“The gym renovation will allow our boys and staff to focus on healthy outlets. For staff, this work can be taxing and sometimes leads to people not caring for themselves well. This gym will provide a convenient way for house parents and staff to maintain their personal health and wellbeing while still making a difference in the lives of our boys. For youth, this gym provides a positive outlet and allows them to develop skills such as goal setting, self-care, self-esteem, and team building. Overall, at Goshen, we believe in total wellness and this renovated space will support that mission for both those who we are serving and those who serve. We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of Innovative Fitness. We could not do this work without amazing people like them!

2020 CCMG Press Releases

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