Transitioning Your Summer Workout to Fall

As the days get shorter and temperatures drop, we say goodbye to summer and hello to fall. It’s time to put away your bathing suits and bring your workouts inside for the season. How do you transition into a fall fitness routine? Here are several vital steps to keep in mind.


1. Take a look at your summer progress. Did you hit your summer goals? Carefully evaluating your summer goals will help you better understand what you can accomplish and how your physical state can impact your future goals.

2. Set fall goals. What do you want to accomplish this fall? Keep in mind when making these goals that you will need to be able to complete many of your activities inside, rather than outside. As temperatures fall and weather changes, you may need to alter your workout routines.

3. Buy the right equipment! The right quality equipment can make a big difference and can help assist reach your goals. Working out on a treadmill or elliptical will help you maintain cardio conditioning in the fall and winter months. If you are looking to do high-intensity workouts, consider a rower.


Whatever your goals are, we can help you reach your goals with the right equipment to get you there!

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