Intenza 550RBe2 Recumbent Bike – Entertainment Series

Intenza 550RBe2 Recumbent Bike - Entertainment Series

Recumbent bikes are designed so the exerciser sits near to the ground with their legs positioned in front rather than below as with an upright bike or traditional street bicycle and produces similar cardio health benefits.

The recumbent’s step-through design creates a very low-profile seat and frame eliminating the need for exercisers to lift their legs when lowering into the seat. Ideal for those with limited mobility who still desire a cardio workout.

Recumbent bikes can be ideal for people who struggle with upright bikes. Those with lower back issues, neck pain, reduced neck mobility, or other physical limitations may find recumbent bikes to be a comfortable and sustainable way to maintain their cardio goals. This bike option can also place less stress on wrists and elbows.



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