HIIT benefits

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. This type of training emphasizes short bursts of high- intensity exercises coupled with short recovery periods. HIIT sessions are shorter and more intense than steady-state workouts such as jogging and cycling that require longer time commitments. Check out the top benefits:

  1. It is efficient: HIIT is ideal for someone with a busy schedule.
  2. You will burn more calories: HIIT increases the resting metabolic rate for the following 24 hours after a workout, so you will burn calories during and after!
  3. You can do it anywhere: little or no equipment required, so there are no excuses.
  4. It’s challenging: Due to how short the sessions are, you will be working hard the entire time.
  5. You won’t lose muscle: While steady-state cardio seems to encourage muscle loss, studies show that both weight training and HIIT workouts allow dieters to preserve their hard-earned muscles.

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