Keep your equipment up-to-date
Operating a successful fitness facility means having state-of-the-art fitness equipment and a modern environment to attract and maintain clients. Innovative Fitness can help make that investment easier for you by offering different options of financing. Through the years, we have established relationships with the industry’s most reliable resources to help you manage and reach your goals both quickly and effectively.
When purchasing equipment for your facility, there are three basic financing options: pay cash, finance through your bank, or lease the equipment through Innovative Fitness. We offer options from 12 months to 60 months to cover your investment plan. Call us today to find out what competitive financing options are available to you. Leasing from Innovative Fitness not only gives you the opportunity to provide state-of-the-art equipment to your clients, but also allows you to keep cash in hand with the consistent monthly payments.
Interested in leasing it?
15 Good Reasons to Lease!
Use of Equipment
Leasing is the use of an asset. No business pays it employees’ salary in advance; they pay people as they contribute. It should be no different with a contributing asset like business equipment. Leasing enables you to pay as you use.
Fixed Payments
Monthly payments on a lease are generally fixed for the entire term of the lease. This is a distinct advantage in times when many financing transactions are floating interest rates. Knowing in advance what your payments will be, enables you to budget and manage equipment dollars for a long time.
Little or No Down Payment
Most traditional financing options require a sizable down payment. On cash purchases, this can be as much as 20%. Little or No down payment is required on a lease.
100% Financing
Traditional methods of financing options usually do not include “soft” items such as installation and freight. A good lease transaction contains both of these; therefore, allowing you to finance the total package.
Leasing provides the lessee with greater structuring flexibility. The leasing industry is typically populated by aggressive entrepreneur types who find ways to structure lease transactions to fit the needs of their customers. This gives a lessee the opportunity to make the most of such lease structuring variables such as: number and amount of advance payment amount, purchase option, etc.
Easier than Bank Loans
Leasing programs and procedures are specially designed to take the red tape out of financing capital equipment for business.
Purchase or Renewal Options
Most lease arrangements allow customers the option to either purchase at a stated amount, at a Fair Market Value, or to renew the lease at a reduced monthly payment. The lease structure determines which of the options is available.
Conservation of Capital
Because of the sizable cash outlay involved in purchasing new equipment, many businesses lease to conserve capital. Money that could be used to buy inventory, advertise, and hire personnel is better spent doing just that rather than spent purchasing equipment that is diminishing in value as time goes by.
Easier Cash Flow Forecasting
Leasing, which is simply dollars-per-month financing, helps an equipment user fit a monthly payment into their budget limits. They don’t have to go to capital expenditure committees for approval.
Ability to Work Within Budget
Subsidiaries of large corporations or department managers of small companies have the authority to acquire equipment they need, but only if it fits within operating budget guidelines. Many managers decide to acquire needed equipment via leasing because it allows them to have the use of equipment and still work within operating budget limits. They don’t have to go to capital expenditure committees for approval.
Tax Benefits
Just as businesses have done for years, a lessee can usually deduct their monthly lease payment as an operating expense. This clearly reduces the new cost of the lease. It is always best to talk to your tax accountant.
State of the Art Equipment
When dollars are already budgeted, managers who need newer equipment can conveniently acquire that equipment on a dollar-per-month basis since the monthly payment precedent has usually been established.
Additional Lines of Credit
When equipment is bought with borrowed funds, credit lines with a lender are reduced. When equipment is leased, a business has in fact established an additional line of credit with its lessor.
Use Lessor for Other Equipment Needs
Many lessors are in the position to lease just about any type of equipment.
Your new machinery and equipment will allow you to preserve your existing cash flow and to be able to respond to new business opportunities. The profits generated from the productivity of the equipment is usually greater than the lease payments.

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