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FreeMotion u10.9b Upright Bike FMEX82418

The u10.9b Upright Bike matches your mood. With an intuitive console, the bike is easy to use for those times you want to get on and go. However, when you’re looking for adventure, sync your smart device to follow a workout filmed in Europe, Africa or Hawaii — the bike will recreate the actual route with breath-taking video and automatic resistance that matches the terrain.

Let hard work be the motivation to keep pressing forward. This bike has a ‘front and center’ simplified user interface that tracks speed, resistance, RPM, distance, calories, time, heart rate, pace and watts.

Users sync their smart device to the machine to create an interactive workout experience. With over 16,000 workouts filmed on-location throughout the world, iFit® Sync creates a hands-off solution where the machine’s resistance is controlled by the on-screen workout and iFit® trainer.


Brochure-FreeMotion u10.9b Upright Bike