Virtual Catalog

Ecore Performance Rally

Performance Rally is a 14.5mm surface tailored for aggressive functional training, available in both rolls and interlocking tiles.

Product Specs

Performance Rally

Roll:14.5mm (0.57″) x 48″ (1.22m) x 25 LF (7.62m)

Interlocking Tile:14.5mm (0.57″) x 23″ (.58m) x 23″ (.58m)

Available in select colors.

  1. 1
    Surface Layer

    2.5mm Vulcanized Composition Rubber surface layer

  2. 2
    itsTRU Fusion Bond

    Proprietary itsTRU® technology fusion-bonds the layer

  3. 3
    Base Layer

    12mm shock absorbing base layer

Total Product Thickness: 14.5mm

Optimize ergonomics with Performance Rally

This dual durometer system is an ergonomically advanced surface engineered to absorb the impact force related to aggressive functional training.

Key Features

  • Durable
  • Will withstand moderate weight impacts
  • Made with reclaimed rubber materials
  • Interlocking tiles are quick and easy to install
  • Reduces Impact Noise
  • Fully Recyclable at End of Life
  • Provides Comfort Underfoot
  • High Coefficient of Friction in wet and dry areas
  • Inlaid Logos and Designs Available
  • Returns energy to user
