Roller Skating + Fitness: Do They Go Together?

I started roller skating on a whim about a year ago and did not realize the fitness benefits I would gain from my new hobby. I had, of course, done this during my teen years when my parents would throw money at us, then drop us off at the rink to terrorize the staff for the next few hours.

Although it took me a while not to look like a complete baby giraffe gliding around that all too familiar slicked up wood/concrete floor; I managed to improve and began to realize my cardiovascular system was working in overdrive. Did you know, just 30 minutes of skating can up your heartrate to 148 beats per minute?

Pushing off on wheels at a fast pace is not for the weak kneed, but rest assured, you too can build up the strength and balance to be a successful roller-skater.

Adults of ALL ages come out on Thursday nights and roll for the sheer happiness and nostalgia it brings; all while getting a substantial cardio workout. And who actually loves cardio? Hardly anyone, but when fun is involved, you forget you are doing it with the added benefit of causing 50% less stress on your joints than running.

Since beginning to roller skate regularly, I have noticed many important fitness gains such as improved balance, stronger ankles, along with frequent soreness in my glutes and inner thighs. Roller skating builds strength and increases muscle endurance for a full body workout.

Depending on your speed and skill level, roller skating can be either high or low impact. Do your research into various roller-skating videos to find different techniques and skills that encourage you to up your game, which equals more cardio, strength, and fun!

By: Tammy